Choose Unified Care Hospice

Quality Care in the Comfort of Your Home

At Unified Care Hospice, we understand that caring for loved ones at the end of life can be hard. That's why we offer special care at home. Our team of kind and helpful doctors and nurses will make sure you feel comfortable and loved in your own house.

When is it time for hospice? Sometimes, when people are very sick and can't get better, they need extra special care. That's when hospice can help. We make sure you feel better and help your family too.

Choose Unified Care Hospice for loving care at home.

Who Qualifies For Hospice?

Providing Comfort for Those Facing Life's Challenges

At Unified Care Hospice, we specialize in providing compassionate care for patients who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness or a life-limiting condition. Our hospice care is designed to offer support and comfort during this difficult time.

Patients who may qualify for our hospice care include those facing advanced stages of cancer, heart disease, lung disease, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, Parkinson's disease, ALS, kidney disease, liver disease, protein calorie malnutrition, and other conditions. If you're unsure if your condition qualifies, don't hesitate to reach out for an evaluation today.

To receive hospice care, patients no longer seek curative treatment and instead choose comfort care as the primary goal of their care. At Unified Care Hospice, our dedicated team is here to ensure that you and your loved ones receive the compassionate support needed to enhance quality of life.

Choose Unified Care Hospice for personalized and comforting care during life's challenges.

Benefits Of In-Home Hospice Care

Choosing in-home hospice care includes

At Unified Care Hospice:

We believe in providing a seamless and consistent care experience for our patients. Our in-home hospice services are designed to ensure continuous support by closely collaborating with patients, their families, and primary healthcare providers throughout their care journey.

Tailored to Your Needs: Personalized Care Plans

Our team of skilled hospice professionals understands that each patient is unique. We create personalized care plans that take into account individual needs, preferences, values, beliefs, and goals. This personalized approach ensures that patients receive care that is specifically tailored to their requirements.

Comfort in Familiar Surroundings

We understand the importance of being in a familiar and comfortable environment during the end-of-life journey. Remaining in a place filled with cherished memories, surrounded by loved ones, pets, and personal belongings, can bring a sense of security and emotional well-being. Our in-home hospice care allows patients to stay in the comfort of their own homes, enhancing their quality of life.

Round-the-Clock Support

We know that support is needed at any time, day or night. Our dedicated team is available 24/7 to provide assistance, manage symptoms, offer emotional support, and address any concerns. With Unified Care Hospice, you can rest assured that compassionate help is just a phone call away.

Family as Partners in Care

We value the role of family in the care of their loved ones. At Unified Care Hospice, family involvement is encouraged and promoted. Family members are considered essential partners in the decision-making process and actively participate in care planning. We recognize that family support plays a vital role in creating a nurturing and comforting environment.

Experience the compassionate and personalized care of Unified Care Hospice in the comfort of your own home. Contact us today to discover how we can support you and your family through this journey.



Hospice is a special type of care that combines palliative care and the philosophy that quality of life is better than quantity of life for those with life-limiting or terminal illnesses.Hospice care operates under the goal to maximize the quality of life by providing tailored end-of-life care and support services.

This may include: Pain management, Nursing, Medication administration, Personal care

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End of Life Care, Palliative Care, Bereavement Counseling, Hospice Support Services

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In order to qualify for hospice care, the patient must have received a prognosis of six months from a medical doctor. This doesn’t mean that your loved one will die within that time; of course no one can predict this with accuracy. It just means that their illness is terminal and the doctor feels that they could possibly pass away within six months or that curative treatments are no longer effective.


In order for hospice to start, we must receive the hospice order from the doctor. This acts as a referral that states the patient is qualified for hospice. Then, we will look over the patient’s medical history and assess the patient in order to craft an individual care plan. The assessment can be done at the hospital or in the home, whichever is most convenient for the family.


Not at all. In fact, the earlier the transition to hospice, the more effective it is to control symptoms and provide peace and quality of life for the patient and family members.


Long-term hospice care is sometimes necessary if a life-limiting illness does not run its course in that time. Just because the prognosis is six months doesn’t mean that hospice will end once that time passes. So long as the prognosis doesn’t change, hospice eligibility does not change. Our team continually adjust care plans to cater to the unique needs of each individual we serve.


In many cases, insurance coverage will dictate the cost of hospice care. If the patient is not covered, or if their plan does not include hospice, our financial experts can discuss options and ensure the patient gets the services they need.


Medicare and Medicaid pay for hospice care so long as the patient meets certain eligibility requirements.


It is not the goal of home hospice care to cure any illnesses but rather manage symptoms to improve the quality of life. Enlisting hospice services does not mean you’ve given up; it simply means the priority has shifted from aggressively curative treatment to pain management to increase the comfort level of the individual.Our team provides care to many individuals that have chronic illnesses, cancer, dementia, and many other life-limiting conditions, so you can count on us to provide the highest quality of care. This is why we develop care plans that cater specifically to the needs of the individual. In addition, should an issue ever arise, we’ll be there to assist you any time of day or night.


SUPPORT SERVICES AND SOCIAL WORK: Consider us your support team. Our services encompass not only the needs of the patient but the family members as well.Hospice isn’t just for the patient! This is a time of transition for everyone involved, and it may be emotional or stressful at times. That’s why our philosophy is to work with all who are involved and provide as much support as we can.We’re all in this together! As a general rule, hospice social workers follow the wishes and requests of the family. They are available to offer a more holistic approach that addresses both the physical and emotional needs of everyone involved.Our social workers are also available to help communicate the patient’s needs to our team of medical personnel or provide assistance with filling out any paperwork that’s necessary.


Yes, We believe that every individual we meet has an impact that reaches far beyond themselves, spanning out to their community and loved ones. In that same way, the hospice care we provide extends beyond the life of a patient.We feel strongly about being here to support and guide you through your transition because we understand how grief and loss affect family and friends who have lost a loved one. Family members feeling grief may experience emotions including denial, anger, and depression when a loved one passes away.One amazing thing about hospice care is that grief counseling is covered under Medicare if your loved one or patient qualifies for Medicare-certified hospice care.

See Our Blogs

Embracing the Healing Power of Pets

Embracing the Healing Power of Pets

February 23, 20243 min read

Understanding the Bond Between Pets and Humans

The bond between humans and animals is timeless and profound. In the realm of hospice care, this bond takes on a special significance. This article delves into the world of animal companionship in hospice care, exploring how our furry friends offer more than just comfort; they provide a unique form of therapy that can transform the end-of-life experience.

Bond Between Pets and Humans

The Therapeutic Benefits of Animal Companionship in Hospice Care

  1. Emotional Support and Unconditional Love: Animals provide a level of emotional support that is pure and unconditional. In hospice care, where patients may feel isolated, a pet's presence can bring immense comfort and a sense of companionship.

  2. Physical Health Benefits: Interaction with pets has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, and release endorphins. These physical benefits are particularly valuable in a hospice setting, where alleviating stress is crucial.

  3. Enhancing Quality of Life: Pets bring a sense of normalcy and joy. Their playful and affectionate nature can significantly enhance the quality of life for patients in hospice care.

The Role of Pets in Addressing Mental and Emotional Needs

  1. Combating Loneliness: Hospice patients often struggle with feelings of loneliness and isolation. Pets, with their constant presence and affection, help alleviate these feelings.

  2. Providing Comfort in Grief and Transition: The end-of-life journey can be emotionally challenging. Pets often sense when someone is upset and can provide comfort during these times.

  3. Improving Mental Health: The simple act of petting or interacting with an animal can have significant mental health benefits, reducing anxiety and depression.

Different Types of Animals in Hospice Care

  1. Dogs: Known for their loyalty and loving nature, dogs are common companions in hospice care. They have a natural ability to provide comfort and emotional support.

  2. Cats: With their calming purrs and affectionate demeanor, cats can be ideal hospice companions, especially for patients who prefer a quieter, more independent pet.

  3. Other Animals: Birds, rabbits, and even therapy horses can also play a role in hospice care, offering a diverse range of interactions to suit different patient needs.

Training and Certification for Therapy Animals

  1. Understanding Therapy Animal Training: Not all pets are suitable for hospice care. Therapy animals undergo specialized training to handle the unique challenges of a hospice environment.

  2. Certification Process: Animals and their handlers typically need to be certified by recognized organizations. This ensures they are prepared to provide safe and effective support.

  3. The Importance of Proper Training: Properly trained therapy animals are essential for ensuring positive interactions and maintaining a safe environment for both the patient and the animal.

Challenges and Considerations in Integrating Animals into Hospice Care

  1. Allergies and Phobias: It's important to consider potential allergies or phobias among hospice patients or staff when introducing animals.

  2. Maintaining a Hygienic Environment: Ensuring cleanliness and hygiene is crucial, especially in a hospice setting.

  3. Emotional Impact on Pets: The well-being of the animals themselves must also be considered, as they can become attached to patients.

Case Studies: Success Stories of Animal Companionship in Hospice

  1. Individual Stories: Sharing real-life stories of patients who have benefited from animal companionship can highlight the profound impact of this practice.

  2. Research Findings: Examining studies and research on animal therapy in hospice care provides evidence of its benefits.

How to Integrate Animal Companionship into Hospice Care

  1. Collaborating with Therapy Animal Organizations: Partnering with local organizations can facilitate the integration of trained therapy animals into hospice care.

  2. Creating Animal-Friendly Spaces: Adapting hospice environments to be welcoming and safe for both animals and patients is key.

  3. Training Staff and Volunteers: Educating hospice staff and volunteers about handling and integrating animals into care routines ensures a smooth and beneficial integration.

Conclusion: The Transformative Power of Animal Companionship in Hospice Care

In conclusion, the integration of animal companionship into hospice care offers a unique and powerful way to enhance the end-of-life experience. The presence of a loving pet can provide immense emotional support, physical health benefits, and an overall improvement in quality of life for patients. By understanding the challenges and implementing the right strategies, hospice care facilities can unlock the healing power of pets, bringing comfort, joy, and

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